Islamic Widget

Al Quran

Thursday, September 30, 2010


salam dan selamat sejahtera...
xda idea nak tulis apa sebenarnya nih...
tapi ak kebosanan gila2 nih...
entah gatal tangan ni... ak taip nama ak dalam google...
sebab nak tengok kot2 ada orang fitnah ke, ngutuk ker...
leh saman juta2... kaya beb...

tapi ak jumpa satu website ni...
lepas tu untuk nama ak lak...

NAZREEN is the most popular name in USA (... 35456.menouchehr , 35457.taniza , 35458.nazreen , 35459.kimerli , 35460.leenata ...). One in every 702,203 Americans are named as NAZREEN and popularity of name NAZREEN is 1.42 people per million.

If we compare the popularity statistics of NAZREEN to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of September.29.2010 22:24 there are 442 people named as NAZREEN in the United States and the number of NAZREEN's are increasing by 4 people every year.

Usage of nazreen as a middle name is more common than its usage as a first name. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in NAZREEN is 83 and this makes NAZREEN arithmetic buddies with words like Negative, Tactful, Discreet, Brawny, Faithful, Creative, Hopeful, Pleasing, Sassy, Winner, Smiling, Splendid. 

popular juga ek nama ak nih...
sebab dulu ak ingat nama ak x ramai orang guna...
orang banyak guna NAZRIN dan AZREEN jer...

jumpa lagi...

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